April is doing a fun spill your love link up so I thought I would join in on the spillage...
{1} Describe your dating life prior to finding your husband
David and I have been dating since we were 21 but I did have some boyfriends before him. One in particular was my boyfriend in college. He was a really nice guy and knew how to have a good time. However he didn't treat me as well as he should have and we only lasted two years (two years too many!) and although I cried my eyes out multiple times over him...(my goodness can I have those tears back?!) I am happy that he found happiness as I did.
{2} Describe your husband in one word. How would he describe you in one word?
There are so many words I could use to describe David but I would have to say the word that most comes to mind is
David continually impresses me with how hard he works to give us a beautiful life. He is constantly learning how to do things. Whether it's taking care of an injured bird, working on his car or closing a huge deal at work - he is a man of many talents. I admire him so much. Total cliché but he really does make me want to be a better person.
If David had one word to describe me I think he would choose
I have a pretty big heart, especially when it comes to helpless furry animals! At least that is the word he choose for my bridal shower game last year! I wonder if 8 months of marriage would change it to crazy something different?
{3} You had a really silly fight. Embarrassing silly. What was it about?
On our honeymoon - you know when you're all lovey-dovey, madly in love still on wedding high? Yup there. We were in Kauai and David wanted to buy me fins to swim in the ocean. Leave it to me to feel insulted that he thought I was a weak swimmer! (I am a Pisces this is truly insulting!) Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill! My tears ensued and about 30 minutes later we were like are we really arguing? I can certainly laugh about it now but then - I was being so ridiculous!
p.s. I still hate wearing fins! They hurt my feet!
{4} In three sentences (and only three!), describe where you both hope to be in 5 years.
Home Owners.
Growing together as a couple.
Eva Baker Photography |
{5} Tell us something about your husband we wouldn't know from reading your blog.
David loves to garden! Every summer since we have moved in together he plants various tomatoes, cucumbers, plants, pumpkins, etc. He loves to learn about different varietals and how to grow the best tasting fruits and veggies. My kitchen reaps the benefit all summer long!
{6} What's one thing you never thought you'd do in front of your husband but you did?
A girl can't reveal all her secrets...
Jennifer Skog Photographers |