Friday's Fancies: What's in my Bag?

What's in my bag?

If you were to stop me any day on the street this is what you would typically find in my purse. My husband complains I never have cash on me - hello look at all the other stuff I have crammed in there! #aintnobodygottimeforcash

 The not so glamourous side...doggie bags and a tick tool remover, one must always be prepared!

 Also you would be surprised just how often having a small wine bottle opener comes in handy!   Contact wearers you feel my pain, I always have to carry a spare pair just in case mine decide to act up. I carry the Motrin, wine wipes, nail polish wipes and tampons in a small makeup bag that I transfer from purse to purse. This way I am never without them.

Anything I am missing that I should have on me at all times?

Hope you all have a great weekend! We are headed to a Halloween party tonight and I am pretty sure that I am going to go as Sandy from Grease...I am still trying to talk David into being Danny Zuko!

And like every Friday linking up with Liz!



  1. Haha! I love that you have a wine opener in your purse - genius!! Have a great wknd :)

  2. I have found that a wine opener is always necessary to carry! Spent too many ladies nights running out to buy one that we all just started carrying them in our purse haha...Needless to say those Wine Wipes would be a great stocking stuffer for my friends and I ;)

    And what?! Those piggy contact cases are the CUTEST thing I have ever seen!!
    How are you liking the new gold iphone? I really want it and I'm due for an upgrade! :)

  3. Love your bag! And all the goodies inside!

  4. wine opener + wine wipes = my kind of girl! xo

  5. You need to stop posting that gold iphone...I'm secretly willing myself to drop mine into a toilet so I can get one too.

  6. I've never heard of wine wipes!! What do they do?!

  7. Love your bag (and the fact you carry around a corkscrew)! Have a great weekend!

  8. The fact that you carry around a wine bottle opener makes me think you are even more awesome than I already did! That's the first thing I saw in the image above, wine related items always get my attention! I hope you have a great weekend! We'll be over in the east bay all weekend!

  9. I was just thinking about doing a post like this sometime soon! I love seeing what other people tote around all day. I never have cash on me either... whoops... Wine opener in you purse= two peas in a pod! :)

  10. I use a little makeup bag in the diaper bag / my purse to keep all of it together too. I find it really keeps things neat and easy to find. LOVE your bag!!

  11. Wine opener is so key!!

    Love seeing what other people carry in their bags.

  12. I'm cracking up with the wine opener! I love it! It could also be an awesome self-defense tool ;)

  13. We need to talk about these wine wipes! How have I never heard of them before??? Amazing!
