What I Know Now

Since we are almost at the halfway point I thought I would rehash on some things I have learned so far - you know all 18 weeks into this pregnancy.

- There may/will be blood. I am sorry to be gross but true story! I had some bleeding early on and thought really bad things were happening. Turns out me and mini were both fine.*

- Ovulation sticks may not be too accurate. In December I decided for the first time I was going to pee on an ovulation stick to see if I was ovulating. It said I was indeed and I was excited. However about 2 weeks later we found out I was pregnant! I was convinced I knew exactly what day it happened. Well turns out I was 9 weeks pregnant...so I am not sure how the ovulation stick said I was ovulating when I was already pregnant. I also got a period in December - see #1.
- Keeping a secret is for the birds. I told my closest group of girlfriends when I (thought) I was 4 weeks (but really 7). I figured I would need lean on them for support no matter what so for me what's the point in holding it in? (For the record my sisters - not pictured below - were told first)
- Planning a cute way to tell your husband you're expecting is super sweet - in theory. Once you see that big ole positive it's hard to keep your cool.

- Nap time is the new happy hour. It's like the sandman himself comes and sits right on your face. (Get your mind out the gutter!)

- If you chose to find out the sex it's a very exciting moment. We chose to have the moment to ourselves and there was something really special about sharing that between David and I. Power to anyone not finding out the sex! We decided to find out the sex and surprise my parents. Easily one of my favorite moments to date.
- Everyone is fighting their own battle. Your happy news may make others sad (not for you - but for their own situation). Be kind and understanding. I read many blogs about infertility and I hope one day I am the one passing on the congratulatory remarks. That is the amazing thing about blogging - the support networks.

- People are going to offer LOTS of advice. It's okay to want to do some things your own way. You live you learn and for the most part everyone turns out okay.

- Your blog turns into mamaland. It's true I am sorry but it's on my mind 24/7 thank you for allowing me to share it here, even if it's totally unrelatable at the moment.

*It should also be noted that these things happened to me and may not happen to you. If something seems weird or abnormal holla at your doctor!


  1. It's such an exciting time for both you and David and you should be screaming/writing about it whenever you want!! Scary to thing those sticks aren't really that accurate...not sure i'll be worrying about that anytime soon!! Although baby fever is real and it's totally present!! lol

  2. Ha! It is SO true that nap time is the new happy hour! I will there was nap time in this house! ;)


  3. Aw I LOVE that video! Did your mom get her $500?! Haha so sweet!

  4. good to know!! i think it'd be really hard to keep it a secret for long! id be wayyy too excited not to find out the sex of the baby too, loved your reveal! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. All good points!! I blurted it out to my husband. It was awesome and not how I thought it would go but it was still our moment. :)

  6. confession: i still don't know how ovulating actually works... def going to need to read a book or something on how making a baby actually works.

  7. Such an exciting time for you! Love all of these little insights. Great for other mamas to be!

  8. I love following your pregnancy and reading all this stuff, because I am clueless when it comes to babies, pregnancy...all that stuff! None of my good friends have gone through it, so if I happen to be the first I will be a lost puppy! Maybe not SO lost though because of all the wonderful blogging buddies sharing their experiences =)

  9. Awww that video of your parents finding out is so adorable! I can't wait to do this with my family one day! And don't apologize for talking about all things baby. We're excited for you too! :)

  10. Such an exciting time! Great advice and I hope someday (in the future)!!!

  11. My gosh, that video of your parents is SO cute! It made me tear up! Is this their first grandchild? My nephew was the first in our family, and boy does it change things! My parents (mom especially) is so in love! It's a fun new dynamic in the family! And so cute to see your parents as grandparents. I bet that feeling is even more when it's your own baby.

  12. Ovulation tests can also be used as pregnancy tests! Not many people know that. However, it does not work the other way around! I am also someone that likes to share the news with those closest to me right away!

  13. oh how quickly those blogs turn to all thinks mama huh?! :-) xo

  14. love the video, love it all! ovulation sticks never worked for me, so word up on that and I never managed a cute way to tell my husband - I just cry/screamed it at him. Maybe next time!

  15. True dat. My favorite part about this is the video. Cutest thing ever. The sleep thing. Yep, nap anywhere. It's amazing. Cute husband surprise? Didn't happen for us either. I couldn't wait to tell Nick and it wasn't fancy, but it was great. And finally, your bridal party is absolutely gorgeous. Just sayin'.

  16. Love how you told your parents! So sweet! I think if/when (fingers crossed) we get pregnant I would love to share the news with our families that way as well! Thanks for sharing what you've learned so far! I totally laughed at the image of the "my wife tells me she's ovulating... invitation or warning" Hahah! :)
