Which leads me to thinking about what is in store for me once mini arrives. I already feel incredibly fortunate that between an amazing boss and a supportive husband I will be taking off from July 18th to January 1st for maternity leave. My maternity leave + PTO benefits end the last week of November.That puts me in December with no paycheck...which for my daughters first Christmas is quite a horrifying feeling.
Right now I commute an hour door to door for work. But I get to come to this everyday...
Working in San Francisco is pretty special. I know that one day when I no longer work here there will be things I miss greatly. Like getting day game tickets to go watch the Giants. Shopping in Union Square at lunch time. People watching and meeting friends for work lunches.
However I won't miss Bart Strikes (What a NIGHTMARE), bums or just bart in general.
We don't have a plan yet for after the baby arrives as far as childcare. I should probably start looking into that soon. But I do know that commuting an hour away from her everyday is going to be hard on this mama. But not having a paycheck and being a stay at home mom I think would be equally as hard.
I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Something I wish I just had a little more passion for my current occupation. Assuming that would make coming back an easier decision. Things that do help considerably are I love my boss and he makes things very flexible in the office. Also I have a great vacation package at work.
So how did you other mama's decide what to do? Right now the plan is for me to work until baby #2 makes his or her arrival but I guess I just won't know until baby #1!

lots of big decisions to make! i think you should see how the first one goes and how you and your husband adjust -- emotionally and financially! just do what is best for you, your husband and your baby! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteTough decisions for sure - but you and your hubby will make the right one for you both and little mini!! It's really amazing that you'll be able to take almost 6 months for maternity leave!
ReplyDeleteI can't really help but I totally know what you mean about not having a job you are passionate about. My husband and I have had this talk too, before a baby is even on the way. I think you will know what to do as it gets closer, and until then be grateful that you have such a flexible job and an extra long maternity leave! You are one lucky mama!
ReplyDeleteOh man an hour commute!! I used to commute 45 mins via car and that was crazy enough!
ReplyDeleteAn hour commute is a lot with a baby but you can do it!
ReplyDeleteYou are thinking all the same thoughts we all have contemplated at some point. In the future I plan to do a why I work post. The hour commute is going to be tough- like you have said. But, I have to tell you from a mom that spent only six weeks on maternity leave, YOU ROCK ROCK ROCK and will LOVE LOVE LOVE being off that long with baby.
ReplyDeleteEven though we're not expecting, I think about this almost daily! I'll be interested to see what others say as well!
ReplyDeleteI think about it too!!
DeleteHaving such a great boss and flexibility and benefits made my "job" in finance turn into somewhat of career really for just those reasons. It's definitely not a dream job either. It's great you have some options and time to decide what is best. You'll figure it out; our parents all did somehow (and my mom ADHD as hell to boot). :)
ReplyDeletegood luck with figuring out the plan with daycare and everything! i know the choice is always hard to make when you have to leave your kiddo with someone else to work!
ReplyDeleteTough decisions lady. I think it's great though that you have so much time off...the answers will come. I know for me it would be too hard to do that commute with a little one...but everyone is different! You guys will figure out what is best for you. Try making lists weighing pros/cons, and try to figure out the budget you'd be living with for various options...that might help you.
This is such a hard decision. I recently blogged about my personal struggle about returning to work post-baby here, if you want to read it: http://julia-transition.blogspot.com/2014/03/moms-make-it-work-sara-from-missouri.html. I think for now, just keep your options open. You never know what things will be like months from now. Maybe you'll be ready to go back. Maybe you'll know that it's not the right move. Maybe you can work from home occasionally or go part-time and have the best of both worlds. For now, maybe just plan on going back and wait to see how it all shakes out.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could give you advice but I don't know the right answer for you! I'm sure you will make the right and best deciison for you and your family as time nears! It's awesome that you will be able to be off for such a long period of time though! In the talk of future plans, my husband and I always discuss the options of what we would do when we have kids and it is SO hard to decide on!
ReplyDeleteI feel like everyone I talk to is in this same position of not loving our jobs and feeling a void in that part of our lives. It sucks to not be passionate about what you do. I have a good boss too who is really passionate so that almost makes it harder. btw, what lens do you shoot with? that photo is gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteHA! ignore me I just saw your "via" under the photo. Well it's gorgeous anyway.
DeleteI love being a stay-at-home-mom! But it's also something that I have always wanted. I would just follow your guy once your little one is born. If you do end up going the SAHM route, I would suggest starting to adjust to life on one income, while putting the other (yours) into savings for an adjustment period. It will make the transition go much smoother! ;-) Either way, you will be an awesome mama!
ReplyDeleteI was unhappy in my job for the past year and was actively looking for new ones. Ppl would ask me if I liked my job and I would say I like nursing but not my job and I knew I needed to do something about it. It sounds like although it isn't your dream job it's working for y'all right now. The flexibility you have is awesome. That's a long maternity leave! You're never going to want to go back to work when it's over!
ReplyDeleteIt's such a hard decision that I really struggled with and honestly if I wasn't working comission and had a steady paycheck I probably would have gone back to work in some way, shape or form. That being said you have an awesome maternity leave set up right now so I would just wait and see what happens. My SIL was dead set on being a stay at home mom and ended up HATING it and going back to work when my niece was a little over a year- so you just never know. Somedays I am so happy to be home and other days I'm dying for adult interaction and miss (as crazy as this sounds) the commute and having a "purpose" to get dressed and leave the house every day. I also miss my paychecks (when I did get them) a lot. Spending my husband's money is weird and I also don't get to spend as much as I used too (that sounds materialistic but I do miss it). Sorry for the whole book I just had to share all my view points! You'll know what's right for you!
ReplyDeletewow you get a lot of maternity leave that is so awesome you have an understanding boss who gives you Giants tickets too and that time off, lucky you! And to be honest at that point in your daughter's life she won't need a ton at Christmas time because you will have gotten everything you need for that newborn stage from your shower :-)
ReplyDeleteGirl this is tough and I think a thing every soon to be or new mama struggles with. Hell, I know I still think about it often. For me, it wasn't a question - I love my job, knew I needed to go back for me, shoot I even went into work during maternity leave because it was a hectic time. But that still doesn't mean that I wouldn't love to have more time with Cruz, watch him grow right before my eyes, not have to miss things because I'm at work and his in the care of someone else. That does suck. But then there is money. And you need money for kiddos. Ultimately you will figure out what is best for you and your fam. And trust me, no matter how hard it can be to balance, your kiddo will still love and adore every second with you, just as you do with them. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteOh girl, I totally feel you on this subject...especially when it comes to wishing that you had a stronger passion for your current job. Maybe try finding a decent stay at home job? I'm sure there's gotta be something out there that you would enjoy, yet be able to do it from home!