How far along: 32 weeks, 4 days
Cravings: Nothing to note this week
Gender: bows and tutus
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Ring on or Off: On - and happy to have my engagement ring back!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: nope
What I Miss: Moscow Mules
What I am Looking Forward to: Our vacation! Headed on our annual Trinity trip and can't wait to disconnect and relax!
Labor Signs: Ahh
Nursery: So much done!! Now all we need to get are shelves, rug, curtain rod and hang up wall decorations!
Emotions: Happy and counting down to maternity leave!
Make sure to come back Monday I will have a fun giveaway with everyone's favorite Freshly Picked!
Mini is the size of a: a head of lettuce (19 in. 3.9 lbs.)
Maternity Clothes: mostly
Stretch Marks: nope!
Sleep: My SPD is awful at night but once I fall asleep I am good to go.
Symptoms: SPD and exhaustion. I am really feeling pregnant these days and find that simple tasks are wearing me out. My feet also hurt bad by end of day.
Symptoms: SPD and exhaustion. I am really feeling pregnant these days and find that simple tasks are wearing me out. My feet also hurt bad by end of day.
Best Moment of the Week: I took yesterday off to spend the day with my sisters.
Movement: So much!Cravings: Nothing to note this week
Gender: bows and tutus
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Ring on or Off: On - and happy to have my engagement ring back!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: nope
What I Miss: Moscow Mules
What I am Looking Forward to: Our vacation! Headed on our annual Trinity trip and can't wait to disconnect and relax!
Labor Signs: Ahh
Nursery: So much done!! Now all we need to get are shelves, rug, curtain rod and hang up wall decorations!
Emotions: Happy and counting down to maternity leave!
Make sure to come back Monday I will have a fun giveaway with everyone's favorite Freshly Picked!