How far along: 37 weeks, 4 days
Cravings: Wait for it...watermelon!
Gender: I should have deleted this question a while back
Belly Button In or Out: In and flat
Wedding Ring on or Off: Still on surprisingly!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: nope
What I Miss: My body - I have loved being pregnant but we had a good run :)
What I am Looking Forward to: That moment we start calling people to let them know we are on our way to the hospital!
Labor Signs: Started to dilate already (sorry tmi?) but doctor said that I could stay that way for weeks.
Nursery: Still waiting on that damn ladder! He's almost done and to his credit he works on it in the garage and it's freaking HOT in there. I don't blame him for taking his time!
Emotions: Ugh, discomfort can make me pretty miserable these days but I am trying to grin and bare it to the best of my abilities.
And just for fun because it's been my #1 craving :)
Mini is the size of a: watermelon (YUM!) (19-22 in. 6.5 lbs.)
Maternity Clothes: yessum
Stretch Marks: nope!
Sleep: Ehh...peeing a couple of times throughout the night still (read: annoying)
Symptoms: oh man, too many to list? I am pretty uncomfortable at this point. Little miss is head down and pressing on my bladder and intestines. You can imagine the discomfort this leads to. I've talked to my doctor about some of my discomforts and she told me they will likely stick around until after she comes...lovely.
Symptoms: oh man, too many to list? I am pretty uncomfortable at this point. Little miss is head down and pressing on my bladder and intestines. You can imagine the discomfort this leads to. I've talked to my doctor about some of my discomforts and she told me they will likely stick around until after she comes...lovely.
Best Moment of the Week: My sweet friend Lisa allows my other friend Amy and I to use her pool while she is at work. It's been so nice to cool down and escape the heat! Amy is due August 6th with a boy so we are just days away!
Movement: The stomach is making movements that are extra terrestrial like!Cravings: Wait for it...watermelon!
Gender: I should have deleted this question a while back
Belly Button In or Out: In and flat
Wedding Ring on or Off: Still on surprisingly!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: nope
What I Miss: My body - I have loved being pregnant but we had a good run :)
What I am Looking Forward to: That moment we start calling people to let them know we are on our way to the hospital!
Labor Signs: Started to dilate already (sorry tmi?) but doctor said that I could stay that way for weeks.
Nursery: Still waiting on that damn ladder! He's almost done and to his credit he works on it in the garage and it's freaking HOT in there. I don't blame him for taking his time!
Emotions: Ugh, discomfort can make me pretty miserable these days but I am trying to grin and bare it to the best of my abilities.
And just for fun because it's been my #1 craving :)