You Know You're a Mom When...

You realize it is totally legitimate to cry over spilled milk.

You have mastered falling asleep upright.

Your phone runs out of storage often due to snapping way too many photos of the baby.
Loving the K'Tan wrap!

When someone asks you to drink with them and then pump and seriously weigh out the options. Dump my liquid gold?!

You thought you wouldn't know how to do anything but you both are starting to figure one another out. Strange that you really can decode those cries!

Shopping for baby is way more fun than shopping for yourself.

Those awesome commercials they make in other countries really do bring you to tears.


  1. Aw those cheeks!! She is so gorgeous! Shopping for baby definitely is way more fun :) Are Presley and Finn bffs already?!

  2. i bet baby shopping is SO fun:) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. I agree 100% about shopping for a's the best! Maybe because they are so dang cute in EVERYTHING!

  4. Spot on! I remember knocking over a bottle of breast milk in my kitchen and freaking out. I mean full blown ugly cry. That stuff is precious!

  5. Shopping for the babe is the BEST! And that liquid gold, omg, I seriously cried when I lost two drops on the table ... ;)

  6. Lol. Yes, Yes, and Yes. Mykenzi fell asleep during a feeding and let my milk pool in her mouth and just let it fall everywhere. I screamed, "Oh No!" like it was the end of the world. My husband thought something was seriously wrong ... I couldn't believe she wasted my precious milk! I work so hard to make it for her, she can't be so so careless with it! ;) Hope you're doing well Mama! :) Can't wait to read more Presley updates! She is absolutely beautiful like her Mama.

  7. She is precious, the sweetest little face!

  8. My phone has already almost run out of storage and I don't have even have a baby yet! I've started to look at baby clothes and they're all so precious! It's not going to be good for my bank account!

  9. That picture is just perfection!! Of course you're getting the hang of it - you're a great mama!!

  10. Awww, she's so cute!! Look at her adorable nose!
    I'm sure you've been a great mommy to that girl so far!

  11. Haha aww... and she's all worth it still. Pump and dump sounds ludicrous after seeing how little my friend could get sometimes when she stayed a weekend with me. Liquid gold is right!

  12. What a sweet baby! And all of these are so true - especially the liquid gold! I learned from another mama that you rarely have to pump and dump, if you can drive you can nurse! I still get a little nervous, so I nurse and then have a drink or two right after! :)

  13. She is the sweetest! Shopping for a baby is so much fun. Everything is so cute!

  14. Ahhhh you can never take too many pictures of your little one - that's my motto! Also, I think another person mentioned it in a comment, but all the breastfeeding / lactation consultant peoples I've talked to advise that you don't need to pump & dump unless you are too drunk to drive, so I haven't had to yet!
