10 Thoughts

Its almost been eight weeks now that I have been a mom (although if you count Finn I have already been a mama for quite some time). While I am no pro there are a couple of things I have learned along the way. So for all you one day mamas, new mamas or heck even fur mamas just a little list of thoughts.

1. Birth will seem like a cakewalk once you realize the great task that lays ahead of you. Raising a good, kind, intelligent ________ (insert any words here) human.Talk about daunting.

2. You find that when your baby is sleeping...you miss her terribly.
3. Don't forget that before you were a mom you had time for yourself. Make sure to still carve out "you" time during the day. If mama is happy so is baby.

4. Buy Buy Baby has an amazing return policy.

5. If you have a dog (if you don't what are you waiting for?) incorporate them into your plans. Don't push them away because you have a new member in your house.
6. Clothing with an elastic waist is your friend...don't be too hard on yourself.

7. You cannot spoil a newborn. So hold her, kiss her, stare at her...one day she won't be sitting so still to allow you to do so. Soak every moment up.
8. Support other moms, learn from one another instead of comparing.

9. Go on trips while they are little, sure there might be some crying or a blowout - but travel while they still sleep relatively long.
10. Make sure that in addition to "you" time you have time with your husband or partner.
Always fall in love again and again with them. The first step to raising a happy baby is a happy relationship - nurture it.
Our life isn't perfect. My child's clothing is covered in dog hair more often than I like to admit. Dinner always seems like a chore. My hair always a mess. 
But I know I'm going to miss these days. So for now I relish in them. 


  1. Great tips, you are already a pro!!!!!! Xo

  2. That dog picture though..... SO PRECIOUS!!

  3. Love love your pictures and the advice :) I just can't get over how cute Finn is with Presley! I hope Ruby is like that, though I feel like she might be scared of the baby at first. haha

  4. i love this! i'm getting really excited to have a baby so i can experience some of the same things (btw good to know about buy buy babies return policy!) xo jillian

  5. p-e-r-f-e-c-t!! Great post and precious little! xoxo

  6. Love this so much!! You've got this motherhood thing pretty well figured out! I'll need tips all over again come January!

  7. :) your little family is perfection. so happy for you guys.

  8. Hah love the recap at the bottom the most maybe. And doggy kisses and fur just yields an ironclad immune system ;)

  9. I just love seeing your sweet baby with Finn. Melts my heart!

  10. Seeing Finn and Presley together makes my heart smile and really encourages me that Jenny doesn't have to take a backseat when the baby comes!

  11. I love these thoughts and have the same ones myself! It's awesome to travel while they're young and I hope to keep doing it :-)

  12. This is such an amazing post lady!! Can't wait for these moments & reminders one day. Gorgeous pictures!

  13. Loved this post girl! My hair is always a mess.....that makes me nervous ;-) She is so gorgeous!!!

  14. Such a perfect list!! Love #5 especially - they are a part of the family too!! <3 <3 You are such a wonderful mum to both Finn and Presley! xx

  15. I tried to comment on this days ago, but I guess it didn't post. Love, Love, Love this post! So true ... Especially the missing them when they are asleep right beside you. I wake my husband up often to tell him how much I miss her. He thinks I'm nuts ... and I'm okay with that. Lol. It takes every ounce of willpower to not get her out of the bassinet and pull her into bed with me. Loving Presley pictures! She is absolutely adorable.

  16. This is a great post! Reading the one about pushing the dogs away makes me cringe! I don't know how I'm going to handle my two furbabies with the baby... :/
