More Than One

When I came home from the hospital I said
"There would be only one". 
I couldn't imagine being pregnant again. 
"There will be only one"
I couldn't imagine the searing pain of contractions racking my body again. 
"There will be only one"
The blown vein, the epidural, the pushing.
"There will be only one"
The breastfeeding, the pain, the engorgement. 
"There will be only one"
Those nights where you are so tired you can't remember what sleep is. 
"There will be only one"

But then...

The kicks
The hiccups
The ultrasounds 

Your body does this amazing thing. 
It forgets.
It replaces all those painful, tender, raw moments with gummy smiles, coos and heart bursting giggles.

And as hard as the newborn stage is...I think it's even harder to think 
"There will be only one"

This is the hardest job in the world but easily the best I have ever had. 


"There will be only two"


  1. Haha I love this!! Now that I'm about to have my second so close together I can tell you there will be only 2!! Newborns are hard but I think parenting in General is tough you just get more used to it!

  2. I love thos, so sweet! Soon you will start thinking about all the "lasts"... Last time you feed them, last time you rock them to sleep, etc... And then you will want all the babies!!!! Ha, it's tough but it's amazing and I just don't plan on sleeping for another 10 years.

  3. Awww this is so sweet!!! It's amazing what women can go through and you are rocking this whole mama thing!!

  4. A blown vein? Ah that's terrifying! It really is amazing what our bodies can handle though. Presley looks like such a sweet baby, you're doing great mama!

  5. I've always heard you forget the agonizing labor as soon as the baby comes! My sister in law says once you have 2, it's so easy to transition to 3. I met another lady this weekend who said once you have 3, you might as well have 1 more to make it even! So you never know!!

  6. Truer words have rarely been spoken!! I know exactly what you mean... Love this and happy you will pop out another one one day :)

  7. Haha, and so it's true what they say about forgetting how miserable labor is once you get that precious baby in your arms! I don't think I'll ever be able to understand until I live it myself.

  8. Love it! I'm already thinking there may be three but may quickly retract when he gets here! Haha!

  9. I mean how can she be anymore beautiful?!

  10. haha I have friends that say the exact same thing! Your little lady is adorable. :)

  11. So sweet, I have heard about how you just forget about all that stuff ;)

  12. I said there will only one during my first pregnancy and someone told me babies and the love you have for them is addicting, and they were absolutely correct :)

  13. I love this!! So thoughtfully and beautifully you, Presley's Nona

  14. beautiful! she is adorable! xo jillian

  15. Announcement? Other commenters don't seem to think so... but it kind of sounds like yes to me? If so, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)

  16. This is soo sweet... and so good to know all the thoughts of birthing pain goes away once you're holding your little one!

  17. Or maybe 3... :) If I could only now get my husband on board.
