- What to wear
- What to eat for dinner
- Deciding what color/style I want something in
You all know my plague with dinner and having nothing to wear is every girls issue. However colors...man I sit so long in front of something just deciding which color to purchase. I am not one of those people who buy the same thing in multiple colors either. Which makes my color indecision all the more difficult.
This is a serious first world problem - I am aware. I also am aware that discussing Christmas stockings in the middle of October is just rude. Apologies on both fronts.
So help a girl decide...
Presley's Christmas Stocking
My issue : Me, David and Finn all have these ones
Which I am totally over but I am not going to go buy and monogram all new ones (this year at least). So logically I should get P a matching one right?
But I also like this one
and this one (which benefits St. Jude's!)
and this one
and my favorite is this one - except that I can't monogram it!! So that's out!
These are all from Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn Kids, have any other suggestions of sites to visit? You know...just to narrow down my options.

The ones you have are cute! I'd get another. Do you all have matching ones or different prints? I like the mismatched look like in the picture. We have the PB Classic red with white tops.
ReplyDeletecute options! i love the last ones. H and I have mismatching ones so I'll probably get something different for baby M. xo jillian - cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteThe one for St. Jude's is adorable! I like your originals too! I ordered Needlepoint stockings from Lands End when we got married and I really like them!
ReplyDeleteI like the one with the name "Addison" I think its adorable! And I love the mismatching idea - when I was little my whole family had a different one and it was always fun when guests came over to tell why we picked the one we picked.
ReplyDeleteI'd get another the same one you already have. I can't stand when things are out of order! I wanted some Pottery Barn Stockings too but decided to wait till i have a little one so I can make sure they all match!
ReplyDeleteI'm having a similar first world problem! Kyle wouldn't let me buy new stockings for me and him last year because we had some that he said we're "fine" so I got Miller one from PBK and figured we could all transition to them this year. I got Miller the light blue one with a reindeer on it and his name. Well now I'm stressing because we still aren't 100% sure on baby #2's name and I'm convinced if I don't order him a stocking soon they will be sold out and he won't have a matching one to the rest of the family. (you know because a 5 week old is going to be so stressed over his matching Christmas stocking). The point of my story is to get the one you really want for Presley and then slowly transition the rest of the family over to all matching. Many times the stockings are still available after Christmas on super sale.
ReplyDeleteOh I love the little bear one!! I also love those Fair isle stockings though, and I'm totally with you on the indecision because my first thought would be to get a matching one. But if you don't want to keep those much longer, get whatever your favorite one is for Presley! :)
ReplyDeleteI still don't have a monogrammed stocking for Ethan and this is his THIRD Christmas! I could never decide! But now that I'm having a second, I think we will for sure get both this year! ;)
ReplyDeleteI think you can keep your current stockings but still get Presley a different one if you like since they are all complimentary, especially since they are the same brand. Just make sure any future kids get the same one as Presley. Then you'll have an adult them & a kid theme. Cjristmas styles are always changing, so while neutrals are really I'm right how, you want like your old stockings again in a few years!
ReplyDeleteI really like the ones you have - I'm sure whichever you go with will be perfect!
ReplyDeleteOh these are all so cute! I can't wait to bust my Christmas stuff out!
Love the knit stockings! Baby's first Christmas is going to be a blast!
ReplyDeleteI personally think you should just go with matching, the other ones are cute, but so are the ones you already have...and I prefer matching when it comes to Christmas stockings!
ReplyDeleteI love the bear/dog/polar bear ones! Those are so cute! I think it'd be fine for her to have one that's different than yours. That makes it special for her. As kids we all had different stockings and loved it. And if you're worried about it, get 2-3 of them so all your future kids' stocking will match!
ReplyDeleteThe one with the dog, silly ;)
ReplyDeletei love that you are already searching for this months in advance!
ReplyDeleteI can't make a decision to save my life. Seriously, it's bad. As for stockings, I actually love the ones you have, my sister got those last year! But, the St. Jude's one and the one above it are both equally as adorable if you want to mix it up!
ReplyDeleteI have been totally eyeing the stockings that you currently have - I absolutely love them! I got a PB gift card for my birthday a few days ago, and I'm totally going to buy Christmas stockings with them. :) I think the cable knit ones are gorgeous as well!
ReplyDeletelol to first world problems, but I totally get you!!! I struggled with the same decision last year. Personally, I love the St. Jude's one the best! We got K the red/gingham style with the princess on it last year. My reasoning is so that any future kiddos can have somewhat matching style stockings embroidered with names. Yay for PBK's consistency! J and I kept our old mis-matched non-embroidered stockings last year and I plan to try and get some new PBK ones for us when there is a sale. But probably a more neutral colored style for us. I still debate whether "all matching" is better than having ones that reflect our individual personalities. So yea, all that to say, I understand. lol
ReplyDeletexx Viv at JoieDeViv
I think you should buy the first one that you mentioned for Presley...it ties in the green, cream and red colors that the other ones have! There, decision made ;)
ReplyDeleteI had been hunting for stockings for my boyfriend and I for years and finally found the perfect ones that didn't break the bank at Mark & Graham last year! They are just simple, but can be monogrammed in a ton of different fonts and colors...I also figured I could spice them up and change from year to year, pinning different bows to them according to my decor!