Listening to - Presley cry. Why on earth will this child of mine NOT SLEEP? Sometimes it feels like I am the only person on earth who's baby doesn't sleep through the night. She usually goes down easy for an hour but then wakes up fighting it. I am talking awake until 10-11pm. Mama is tired...send help (and coffee, lots of coffee).
Reading - What Alice Forgot This is our selection for book club and I was way late in picking it up to read. I mean reading with a baby at home is sort of wishful thinking. However now that I am back at work (and pumping twice a day) I am devouring this book. I am about halfway through and really enjoying it.
Purchasing - pulling the trigger on a Longchamp tote. Now that I carry my pump to and from work I wanted a bag that was large enough for it that closed with a zipper. I am going to retire my always dependable LV for now because it doesn't have a shoulder strap and this pump is just too heavy! I got so used to only using my diaper bag while I was on maternity leave!
Coveting - a vacation. I know I just got back from 4.5 months off but let's be real that was NO vacation. I want to go somewhere warm and pack coverups and swim diapers.
Needing - sleep, please just eight uninterrupted hours.
Loving - This series of photos I can't even...
Wishing - P would sleep through the night. See a theme here? Okay I am going to bed while I have an opportunity!

aww loving those photos!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteThose photos are so cute!! I can't imagine how tired y'all must be, I hope Presley gets better sleeping for you!! I was thinking the other day how even though I'm still pregnant, getting up 5 times a night, I'm pretty much never getting a full night's sleep again! ah!
ReplyDeleteOh my... those pictures. Precious!
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping little P sleeps a good stretch for you soon!! The longchamp bag is going to be a great investment for you!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone! My daughter is six months old and she USED to sleep through the night just fine, until she turned 12 weeks old. Then her sleep patterns were all over the place. There were nights that she was up EVERY HOUR on the hour. And, there were nights she would sleep three four hour stretches. Recently things are starting to look better. She will usually go down around 7:45, wake up at 11 the sleep till 6:30 or 7:30 if we don't have to wake up for me to go to work. Other nights she will sleep from 7:46 till 3:30 and then till 6:30/7:00. I work full time and completely understand your need for sleep, trust me. There were nights I would sit in the floor of her nursery and cry along with her (I too felt like EVERYONE else's baby slept through the night). But, every baby is different and like other milestones, sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone she will reach. I'm not sure how I feel about sleep training, but I purchased the "sleep easy solution" book last night. Oh, and let me state that my daughter will only calm down and go back to sleep if I nurse her. Sorry for the long post, but, I too felt alone and it's nice to know that I'm not. I hope things get better in the sleep department. Sending lots of sleepy vibes your way =)
ReplyDeleteOh lady! I'm sending good thoughts and vibes your way that hopefully soon you will get some sleep :( It will happen, she will get there - but I'm sorry it's so exhausting waiting for that time to come! On a lighter the birthday pics!! They are the cutest best buddies ever <3 And love the Longchamp totes! What color are you thinking??
ReplyDeleteThose photos are just precious!!! Hope Presley gives mama a nice sleep soon :(
ReplyDeleteMy book club read that book too, and it made for a really fun discussion! Also, nothing is worse than a child that doesn't sleep but you are not alone! You have you been to a La Leche League meeting? You will find a ton of support there! You can also look into the book The No Cry Sleep Solution for a different perspective.
ReplyDeleteThat bag is so pretty! Hang in there with the sleep situation. It will get better!
ReplyDeleteIm sorry youre so tired! That new bag might make you feel a little better though. I love it!
ReplyDeleteIsn't The Affair awesome?! I feel like now that it's over everyone is watching it! Get yourself a Longchamp bag, you deserve it!
ReplyDeleteAlly - Life as I know it
Yesss to The Affair! Cannot wait for season two; it's gonna get juicier I do believe ;)
ReplyDeleteI hate sleep (or lack thereof) after the dreaded four month sleep regression! Hoping it gets better for you guys!
ReplyDeleteIsn't the Affair so good?? I loved it!
ReplyDeleteI've heard great things about that book!! I saw there is a movie out too! Definitely want to read it!
ReplyDeleteHave you read that author's other books - Big Little Lies and The Husband's Secret? I liked those ones better than What Alice Forgot.