Hello friends and cheers to Friday!! Although our sunny weather is leaving us for some rain, California needs it so you won't find me complaining when I am snuggled with my little watching some movies and doing a little crafting!
I have two awesome giveaways coming up next week one with an Etsy seller I am recently crushing on, Frankie & Lulu. And the second with Fairhaven Health one giveaway is about birds the other about boobs! Hope you will check back next week!
The other day I treated myself to a little gem at Nordstrom, it was too cute to pass up and I love it! And in case you're wondering that F is totally for Finn! (found here) I want to get a P but I am waiting to change out the necklace when baby #2 comes along (hopefully) one day. That way I can get both initials on the same strand.
We have been doing Blue Apron for a couple of weeks now and so far it's pretty neat! I think half the battle for me and dinnertime is figuring out what to cook. With this it's easy - it's literally all delivered fresh to your door right down to the pat of butter! No one is paying me to say this and that is not an affiliated link I just really like it! For $60/week you get three meals delivered to your door. Not too shabby and perfect for a working mama! Especially for myself who is not that awesome in the kitchen. This is chicken pot pie I made last week that was delicious!
Anyone seen The Theory of Everything? I am really itching to see it now that Eddie Redmayne won an Oscar for it. I always love me a good old love story!
I have already started planning and plotting for P's 1st birthday. I figure it's never too early to start! I have one major DIY that I am going to attempt to do so a trip to Hobby Lobby is in order. I'll give you a hint.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
Linking up with the lovely ladies of five on Friday!