Road Trip!

We are beginning to gear up for our road trip and this mama is in major prep mode. I've got a Bubble Guppies movie downloaded + Tangled as a backup. New snacks and new toys. For the love of ice cream I hope P just amazes the heck out of me and is awesome in the car.

I also hope that David let's us stop at the Pottery Barn Outlet right before we go through the grapevine. Two good passengers ought to be dealt a reward right? I have a good friend staying at our house while we are gone before she makes her move to SLO and I am so tempted to leave Finn with her. However - duh - we could never do that so along he comes too! A full car peeps.

Looks like we are going to pretend it's still summer as we are headed to temps that are in the 100's (boo hiss) however I won't be complaining when my toes are in the sand!

Looking forward to seeing so many friends and just relaxing with my main girl! I also foresee a lot of this in our future! Yum!

Have an awesome weekend!


  1. Enjoy your road trip and one last dose of Summer!

  2. Good luck!!! :) We did a cross country road trip last year when we were moving - it's NOT for the faint of heart ;)

  3. Hope the drive went well! And that you were able to stop at that PB outlet! Heaven.

  4. Have fun! Hopefully you have a quiet and peaceful drive :)

  5. We did the 6+ hour drive from Sacramento to Disneyland when our daughter was 14months. At that point, she was still napping twice a day, so we left right before her mornkng nap, we're ready to stop shortly after she woke up from it for lunch, stretched out legs for a while, got back in the car where she watched her first car movie, she slept again, and before we knew it, we were there! I had no expectations and it went great. Take lots of mums, yogurt puffs, etc and she'll do great!

  6. Have fun!! I didn't know Bubble Guppies had a movie, Aria'd be into it.

  7. Hope you had a good trip and hope you're doing well!
