Life Lately

Oh goodness I seem to have fallen away from this space of mine and I blame that entirely on myself. You see I now have this thing with photos that if they are taken on my iphone - I don't want them uploaded anywhere. Facebook, instagram, this blog - and it's actually a terrible thing. One because I just don't have as much time to be whipping out my big camera with my family since I have been busy taking on clients. Two that leaves me with a lot of silence around social media. So I must get better about this!
I can't believe that come August P will be turning two. At her 18 month appointment her vocabulary was very small (maybe 5 words?) and while her pediatrician said he wasn't concerned he did say we will revisit it at 2 years old. Well of course that led to me worrying that she wasn't talking (or learning!) enough but I swear once she hit 20 months it was like the lightbulb went off.

The words she chooses to pick up on are hilarious too. We have this Melissa & Doug puzzle with bears of all different colors on it. Under each bear it says the color. Of all the colors to learn she learned aqua - so random. David and I even said why of all colors is aqua listed?


Is it Friday yet?


  1. Aw I love that photo! Aqua.. haha that's too good!

  2. Oh I know how you feel about the speech! Noah was later than most with talking, until one day it just clicked. I know some kids need extra help, but I think some just need extra time. And I love how crazy some of the words they pick up on... Aqua is too funny!

  3. Oh my gosh I can't believe she's going to be 2 either. How funny that she picked aqua to learn of all the colors, what a goof!

  4. Cute picture! I can't believe she's almost 2 already! And random, but cute that she picked that up!

  5. Miller was a later talker and now he never ever shuts up!! I think it's my payback for all the stressing about not talking I did. Love that she picked up aqua of all colors!

  6. Hahaha! I told you that it would happen almost overnight! Aqua! That's hilarious! She's such a cutie pie.

  7. That's exactly how Ashlynn was, right around 20-22m she made huge leaps. And girl, I bet your iphone pics can rival your camera, if you are that concerned for business reasons, just put a disclaimer (although i'm sure your clients wouldnt recognize the difference!! I have a hard time telling what people use!)

  8. i cant believe she is almost two!!! she's growing up too fast. and aqua!?!? haha that is really random :) that's so exciting she is talking more! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  9. Girl, Abbie's vocabulary didn't really come out until about 2.5 - I wouldn't worry about P at all! And also, sometimes a little social media break is good for the soul. <3

  10. Aqua is one of the best colours so she picked a good one! haha!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House
