Paci Problems

I have a love hate relationship with my daughters pacifier. Better known as the adoringly loving name of paci. We have always used a pacifier, never had nipple or bottle confusion, and honestly I relied on it as a means to peace and quiet. Our pediatrician told us to yank it at 9 months and I nervously nodded my head in agreement. Knowing full well, mama wasn't yanking that paci. It was for both of us after all.

Now here we are approaching two and the paci has turned into a full on obsession. She sees it, she wants it and if she doesn't get out. Because the terror's of two that up until now have seemed a myth have reared their ugly head. Her mouth opens long before you hear the scream, the crocodile tears pour out nice and large and then she just lets it rip. Oftentimes a whole body flop to the ground is followed.

I don't know who this is going to be harder on her or me, but I am tired of that damn piece of plastic dominating our life. So you have any tips lay them on me (and if I am still talking about the pacifier in a year don't hold it against me!)


  1. To get rid of bottles that her little one was obsessed with, one of my friends said she loaded them all into a box (with the help of her toddler) and told him that a bottle pick-up man was coming to take them away since he was growing into such a big boy. And then she had a neighbor come pick up the box off the porch. Supposedly that worked well because her son could watch the bottles leave and knew he couldn't get them anymore but it wasn't sad since he was giving them away since he was such a big boy. I'm probably explaining it poorly, but it worked well for her! I think her son was a bit older, though... Basically, GOOD LUCK because two year old tantrums are the worst!

  2. Oh friend, we are going to have the same problem with Ellie - she loves hers too!! Sophie never had one but we had to wean her off bottles and her blanky. Just like anything - it is hard but it is short term and they will be ok... I think giving them to someone in need (I threw my paci off the end of the pier for the baby fish) or someone taking them (Father Christmas took the blanky and the Easter bunny took the bottles in our house to give them to baby bunnies and baby orphan elves), this allows them to feel like they made the decision and they are gone for good!

    Good luck x

  3. Ugh R is the same way! We decided to ditch it at 18 months and have heard going cold turkey is the way to go so I'm interested to hear these responses! It has been really good for him with teething though so I don't completely hate it!

  4. With both of my kids, I took them to build a bear. I had them out their paci's inside the bear, and do all the stuff and have the bear sewed up. They still to this day have their stuffed animals with their paci's in them. The first night was the hardest (but still not terrible at all!) and they just snuggled their animal each night after.

  5. Waverly was OBSESSED with her paci! OBSESSED! I also ignored my pediatrician. ;) She eventually was over it - but it took a while! Avalon has hated it from day one - which I loved bc I didn't have to wean her, but I missed having that comfort if she needed it!

    I always think that there was no child who ever went to school with one ... Waverly wasn't going to be the first and P won't be either! ;)

  6. I am dreading the paci removal process! We've started using it only at nap/sleep times and as needed in the car (because mama cannot handle screaming in the car!). I've also heard 18 months was the magic age, so we're going to shoot for that, but who knows. Good Luck!!

  7. My sister cut the end off my niece's paci then put it in her crib like normal. When she went down for nap she put the paci in her mouth and realized it wasn't right. From then on she never wanted it again. Try it!

  8. It isn't fun... but we went cold turkey with it. Abbie had it at nap and bedtime until one day she bit through it... and that was that. I wasn't having a choking hazard at bedtime, no way. She was whiny the first few days, but we haven't had an issue since. Good luck whatever you decide!

  9. Oh the Paci!! Scarlett was OBSESSED with hers also! I think she was 2 1/2 before she was completely done with it. At two I made a rule that she could only have it on long car trips, during naps and at bedtime... it was rough but if you stay consistent it works. Then I started talking about how we had to give her paci's to another baby because she was getting too big for them... I never ever forced her to do it, I just kept planting the seed and then one day before bed she dropped the paci outside her door and said "for the babies" and that was it!
