Is this thing on?

You guys rolling back into the swing of things this week has been so hard. We banked an extra day in Lake Tahoe due to mudslides making it impossible to leave. While it was nice to have that extra day in the snow I missed P's preschool walk through on Monday evening which is slightly stressing me. She will start in September and I basically need to get her on a wait list now to make sure she has a spot. How on earth I already am having to worry about this is beyond me.

I am excited to share some pictures from our trip but first wanted to share some things with you guys that have caught my eye lately. Due to our extra snow day (and me not having my ish together) I didn't go shopping for P's valentines until the day of, while I was on my lunch break at work. However I bought something so awesome - she sat and played with it, by herself, for over an hour. That is worth every.single.dollar.

Disney Princess Snap Toys (I got these at Target but paid nearly double!) They have really tiny snap on snap off pieces so not good for kids who still put things in their mouth. P loves to dress and undress them over and over again (occasionally yanking of their head too). I think this Cinderella one or Frozen one is going to wind up in her Easter basket.

We recently surprised P with a power wheels that I snagged off Craigslist for $20 (I mean how could I resist!?) It does need a new battery but I am so excited to see her and her little friends cruise around in it. It even has a working radio! I always wanted one as a kid so it was cool to be able to get her one for so inexpensive. Because no way is this mama shelling out $300+.

Speaking of expensive...I really want to get P a playhouse for our backyard like this one and paint it all white. I found this exact one on Craigslist too by happenstance for not too much but it's kinda far from us and I am not sure how I could get it to our house. But dang it it's perfect!

We are gearing up for the "paci fairy" to come to our house (send help!) and we keep talking to her about it saying the fairy comes to take all the paci's to give to other babies and in turn leaves the big girl a present. So we are brainstorming what would be a good "big girl" gift. Significant enough to point to it as a reminder when she starts crying for the paci.

Some other things I am loving lately for little girls

Peek Love Shirt

Tucker & Tate Two Piece Rashguard
Gap Terry Leggings

As you can see I am clearly still on a rainbow kick.


  1. I want a power wheels so badly for my boys, a tractor one of course! One day I asked Jude to throw his pacifier away and he did it. And when he asked for it that night I reminded Home he threw it away. And then he went to bed. It was waaaaaay easier than I ever expected. Of course he no longer naps so..... ;)

  2. Have you seen the rainbow stuff at Hanna Andersson? SO cute!

  3. Oh friend, the school decisions are so hard and so crazy at such a little age! We are also looking at a playhouse for our girls - ours here are so expensive! And good luck with the paci - EN reacted well to the paci going but then started with other issues (like waking earlier in the mornings and wanting a light on at night etc) x

  4. We did the paci fairy with Ashlynn, honestly, her gift was an Elsa toddler doll that she wanted which seems so silly bc I wanted to do something bigger too, but anytime she cried for a paci I would say I'd have to take Elsa and she stopped.

    Honestly, dropping pacis with both kids went fairly smoothly and they were both pretty dependent, the only thing that suffered was naps since the paci was their way to self soothe to sleep.
