Life Lately

I've been doing such a terrible job keeping up here. Mainly because my camera hours are relegated towards clients these days more so than my own family. Which is perfectly okay as it helps churn the wheel of creativity - however it does make this space a little dull. We are a month out from P starting preschool full time - 5 days a week, 8.5 hr long days. It's going to be a huge transition for our family but one I am hopeful will only churn about good things.

While I joke around on instagram that we are raising a sasshole she really is at such a funny age conversation wise. We joke around that we don't know what part of her is growing faster - her height or her hair! These are just some snaps lately of life. I suspect with us rolling more into a routine in the months ahead I will have time to be somewhat regular on here again.


  1. She is just bursting with personality! As always gorgeous pics Laura!

  2. She is beautiful! Such a lucky little girl to have an awesome playhouse like that, too. Enjoy the rest of your summer. :)

  3. What a GREAT picture of you two! And her hair is getting long - so pretty! xx

  4. She is just so beautiful! And I can see the sass in those eyes haha!!
